Foam concentrate for the production of high quality ready-mixed mortar and lightweight concrete

Product Description

DAREX® AE S45 is a synthetic foam concentrate used to produce a prefabricated foam for blending with easy, workable ready-mixed mortars and lightweight concrete with a low gross density.


Aerated lightweight concrete is used as a filling material in underground and channel construction, sub-concrete in road constructions, as a lightweight insulating and equalising layer for floors and flat roofs as well as an insulation layer in under and over ground works.

Features and Benefits

Foams produced with Darex AE S45 are characterised by a high stability of the air pore system in mortar and lightweight concrete. Lightweight concrete produced with Darex AE S45 flows very easily. If the starting consistency of the concrete is stiff, the spread can be increased by about 30cm, depending on the amount of foam added. If the starting consistency is soft, the entrained foam will have a stabilising effect so that segregation of the system is avoided.

Health and Safety

See Darex AE S45 Material Safety Data Sheet or consult GCP Applied Technologies.

Addition Rates and Mixing Requirements

The dosage of Darex AE S45 and of the premixed foam is directly effected by a foam generator into the starting mix. For this, the Darex AE S45 concentrate is premixed automatically at a ratio of 1:40 mass parts with water and foamed by compressed air. The required quantity of foam depends on the required gross density of the aerated lightweight concrete. The blending time of the premixed foam depends on the mixer and on the foam quantity. A homogenous starting consistency is required.

Technical Data

Effective component Tenside
Form Liquid
Colour Colourless to light yellowish
Density 1.01 ± 0.02g / cm3
Freezing point Approx. -3oC
pH-value 9.5 ± 1
Storage Keep well closed in original containers. Protect from excessive heat protect and absolutely from frost. Attention: the product becomes unusable when exposed to frost.
Recommended dosage The foam generator should be adjusted, such that Darex AE S45: Water is in the ratio (by weight) of 1:40, to produce the necessary foam. 1kg Darex AE S45 can produce approximately 600dm3 of foam, with foam density of approximately 60-70g/dm3.
Delivery form 120kg drums; 23kg cans

gcpat.hk | For technical information: asia.enq@gcpat.com

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GCP Applied Technologies Inc., 2325 Lakeview Parkway, Alpharetta, GA 30009, USA
GCP (Hong Kong) Ltd., 6 On Chuen Street, On Lok Tsuen Ind Area, Fanling, Hong Kong
This document is only current as of the last updated date stated below and is valid only for use in Hong Kong. It is important that you always refer to the currently available information at the URL below to provide the most current product information at the time of use. Additional literature such as Contractor Manuals, Technical Bulletins, Detail Drawings and detailing recommendations and other relevant documents are also available on www.gcpat.hk. Information found on other websites must not be relied upon, as they may not be up-to-date or applicable to the conditions in your location and we do not accept any responsibility for their content. If there are any conflicts or if you need more information, please contact GCP Customer Service.

Last Updated: 2023-07-07
